The Conservation and Recreation Campaign is an organization dedicated to ensuring that every citizen of the cities, suburbs, and rural towns of Massachusetts has access to affordable, clean, and well-managed public land.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

PIPM Working Groups: Marketing Team


Develop a message, a tagline, a really good marketing campaign.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to update everyone on the work of the marketing team.

Working with the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism, Dan Ruben, and Departments of Conservation & Recreation, Fish & Game, and Agriculture, we are planning on hosting a series of meetings to discuss the development of a statewide eco-tourism plan. This will bring together members of the travel and tourism industry, environmental groups, non-profits, and others to discuss how we can use our public lands in a responsible, sustainable manner for recreation and tourism. In addition, we will be spending a large amount of our time on "greening” the tourism and recreation industries. Specifically we will be working on ways that these industries can conserve water and energy while still improving their bottom line.

If you would like to be invited to the statewide meeting, feel free to email me at We are tentatively scheduling the meeting for late April, early May so keep an eye out for updates from me!

7:50 AM


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